Google Changed Logo and Appearance
"These changes very little, maintaining our pages are minimalist and unique, but make it more modern in its entirety," said Marisaa Mayer, VP Search & User Experience, Google's product in the company blog written by Wednesday (05/05/2010). He said the changes are also part of the evolution of Google's technology and services to better help users conduct searches based on their needs.
The first change in logo design. Currently, the Google logo is simpler and more assertive with the color of the young. Commonly appear in the shadow of the previous logo be removed. In the search result, which extends the Google logo at the bottom of their color is made more light. Under the usual line marks the number of search results pages omitted. Widened the search box and without a background of blue box anymore.
The second amendment is the addition of the navigation menu at the top left. This new panel is intended to facilitate visitors have Google search is more appropriate for the desired context. If you do a search on Google today, the panel will appear in search results pages. There is the option to view all results (everything), news (news), blogs (blogs), books (books), videos (video), images (photos), updates (Tweet), and discussions (forums). The menu is accompanied colorful icons that complement the search options that have been available such as whether to view all results of global or local, time-based options, and so forth.
Sources : Kompas