Judi Sabung Ayam Online

500 Great Figures Muslim in the World

Indonesia is considered to have enough people who have influence important in the Muslim world. Of 500 characters mentioned in the book The 500 Most Influential Muslims in 2009, there are 15 characters Indonesia, with KH Hasyim Muzadi as the most important figures who ranks 18 of the world or The first order for Indonesia. The most influential figure is the King Abdullah and continued with the Ayatollah Khamanei.

New book published for the first edition was published by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center (in Jordan) in collaboration with Georgetown'sPrince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.

There are several Ketegori which each character as a scientist, politicians, bureaucrats, descendants, scholars, women, youth, philanthropy, development, science and technology, arts and culture, media and radical character.

50 most influential figures divided into six categories, which include 12 of political leaders, including kings, generals, presidents, 4 figures spiritual (Sufi sheikh), 14 officials at the national or international level, 3 clergy, prominent scientists and 6 leaders of 11 Islamic organizations.

Hasyim Muzadi considered to be influential as a leader largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. This book is still calling the NU (Nadhatul Ulama) followers as many as 30 million, but is now more developed. In
organizational, NU currently has 33 structures in the region, approximately 400 branches, 15 special branches abroad, more than 2630 assemblies vice branch or district level, and structures at branch level or exceed 37,125 villages.

NU considered to have a network of very large membership of the basis of organizational reform efforts. A solid structure and a variety of devices supporting organization to make NU could move well.

Hashim also assessed the MUI defy the dinilainya not consistent with Islamic law, such as efforts to ban smoking. Mentioned also in the book, NU gave extraordinary contribution to the Indonesia, particularly in education, health and the reduction poverty.

Although Hashim stressed his leadership on the national state, but remain inspired by moderate Muslims, such as anti-corruption agenda and social reform deeply rooted in Islamic values.

Din Syamsuddin next entry in the list to 35 because of his leadership the Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah leader he is considered a fairly conservative. The effort, which many do is giving scholarships to the students to study at the University of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia.

Last sequences of the 50 large Aa Gym is a 48 position. He still considered to have influence and followers with his preaching style that and use of modern media that have broad coverage. Popularity according after polygamy.

In the category of scientists, Indonesia put two people, namely Azyumarzi Azra, a leading intellectual who teaches at several universities in the world. He also published several books and artikal and a board Democracy advisor to United Nations Fund (UNIDEF). Syafii Maarif, including terkemuda intellectual one that got the attention of political comment public significantly. He is a former chairman of Muhammadiyah active in the interfaith movement and peace, at the domestic level and internationally.

Furthermore, in the field of politics, KH Abdurrahman Wahid included here, Gus Dur is the former president of Indonesia and chairman of the NU and PKB founder. He considered to have a strong relationship with the military elite who had pioneered by him before he became president when he was developing a relationship inter-ethnic .. He opposed efforts to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia that believed would be a problem in social cohesion.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the political leader of the country's biggest season in the world. Had been nominated in the nobel peace prize in 2006 after his success in efforts to build peace in Aceh. Deep 2009 election, his party, the Democratic Party got 20.8 percent votes.

Meanwhile, among the bureaucrats or the Administrative, appears the name of Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, who is director of Islamic Guidance Ministry of Religious Affairs of also Rector of the Institute of Qur'an and Katib Aam NU.

For the category of women, there are four names, namely Tuti Alawiyah, former female ministers in the cabinet last Indonesia, which currently serves as close to the oldest Islamic university, As Syafiiyah, Siti Musdah Your Honor, the first female professor at LIPI, Lily Zakiyah Munir, founder and director of the Center for Pesantren and Democracy Studies and Maria Ulfah, qoriah winner is an international champion who is also one of the officials in the Qur'an Sciences Institute. He also included in the category of art and culture in this book.

Furthermore, the development category, enter the name Syafii Anwar Director International Center for Islam and Pluralism and the chairman of the South East Asia Forum for Islam and Democracy. He is loudly against the MUI which difatwa pluralism forbidden by the MUI.

In the aspect of Art and Culture, appears the name Helvy Tiana Rosa, a leading writer and teachers at UIN Jakarta. He is a member of Assembly merupkan Asian Literature Southeast and often represent Indonesia in various literary meetings Haidar Bagir, founder and director of Mizan, a publishing company significantly shape and influence the development of Islamic discourse in Indonesia. He's also written extensively on Sufism and teaching in various place. He represents the media sector.

Finally, Abu Bakar Baasyir into the category of radicals. He is former chairman of the Assembly of mujahideen Indonesia, and caregivers Ngruki Pesantren Solo Central Java. He allegedly Jamaah Islamiyah spiritual leader who has links with Al Qaeda, but refused, said Jamaah Islamiyah does not there.

Ten most influential figures is:
  1. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
  2. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran
  3. King Mohammed VI of Morocco
  4. King Abdullah II bin Hussein of Jordan
  5. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey
  6. Sultan Qaboos bin Sa'id Al Sa'ad, the Sultan of Oman
  7. Aytullah Sayyid Ali Sistani of Najaf Hessein
  8. Dr Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, grand sheikh of Al Azhar
  9. Dr Yusuf Qaradawi, a Muslim intellectual terkemua
  10. Dr. Ali Goma'a, Grand Mufti of Egypt
By : NU Online
