Finally, Cut Tari Confessing As Performer Porn Videos

"Yeah, he's already confessed.'s Right he is in the video. He admits there is an intimate relationship with the singer guy," Hotman said, as quoted VIVAnews, Friday (9 / 7).
Previously, this petite presenter never want to answer clearly when questioned about his involvement in the sex scenes video. He argued that the husband, parents, and her family do not believe that it is a nasty video starring herself.
However, after this case to the legal process rolling, Cut Tari finally held a press conference and apologized for disturbing news community on the back this Thursday (8 / 7) then.
Even so, stating that the Cut Tari Hotman had no idea about who record and distribute video. He states, without the approval of a wired video creation Cut Tari. The police have set their own status as a suspect Cut Tari.(TVone)