Judi Sabung Ayam Online

Excavation Potential Local For Community Empowerment

Muntilan, 03 June 2009, Located at the Rainbow House Community (MP) held a discussion by the community market Combine Resource Institution (CRI). Discussion and the potential extraction of local communities attended by colleagues and associates of the Rainbow House Vote Smart village. These activities take place in order to promote independence in the community and empower explore the existing potential.

According to Budhi Hermanto of CRI, community market is a virtual world market to accommodate the potential of the community that aims to bring together the market players manufacturers / suppliers, buyers, and investors. Encourages community market every community to empower local potential that could be one source of income to support community self-reliance.

Potential that is currently running in the community of Rainbow House which will be offered in the community market; freshwater fish breeding and silk-screening business. While the potential to be developed given the craft center of the stone that had been occupied by the owners of capital who do not favor the home craftsman rainbow initiative to facilitate the public offering by including the market through the community. Besides it also unearthed potential that had been there the outbound and duck farms.

And the Community's voice bringing forth the Smart Village offering nature tours, shell crafts, food processing and cultivation of catfish. So far, the Smart Village Voice has tried to do farming catfish rearing and marketing of processed foods. Existing natural potential of the Smart Sound village community where SKP is located in the cleft of the mountain slopes has the potential of nature tourism, nature tourism which it should be cultivated and empowered will be one source for local economies.

Local business community really does not require large capital but the community must have great confidence for the success of every business.

By : Suryo Purnomo (Sutet FM)